If you have fallen in love with Portugal and are considering a move there, it is important to prepare adequately and approach the experience with an open mind. Moving to a foreign country can be a life-changing and rewarding experience, but there are certain mistakes that you should avoid. Here are five key mistakes to avoid when moving to Portugal:
1. Avoid comparing Portugal to your home country, especially the United States. It is common for newcomers to experience culture shock when they realize that things are different in Portugal. To be successful as an expat, it is important to adapt and embrace the Portuguese culture. Accept the differences and avoid trying to change Portugal to be like your home country. Understand that as an expat, you will need to complete various tasks such as getting documented as a resident, setting up your home, exchanging your driver’s license, obtaining health insurance, opening a bank account, and more. Additionally, you will need to learn the Portuguese language as soon as possible. Look for resources, such as language classes or online programs, to start learning the language.
2. Do not expect the process of moving to be cheap. While Portugal is known for being one of the most affordable countries in Western Europe, the process of relocating, shipping your belongings, and getting settled into a new home will require a significant amount of money. Keep in mind that a one-year lease is a requirement for the resident visa process. You may have to pay rent for several months before actually moving into the apartment. It is also important to have a funded bank account, as all banks in Portugal charge monthly fees. Additionally, taxes are a part of living abroad, so it is advisable to consult with a tax specialist. It is also important to have money set aside in case you decide that Portugal is not the right fit for you and want to return home.