Top Countries for Retiring on a Modest Pension or Social Security


Today, the typical social security benefit is about $1,827 per month, with the maximum at $3,627 per month. Considering the average cost of living for an American is between $2,500 and $3,500 per month on the low end, your social security benefits alone likely won’t get you very far in retirement. However, more and more Americans are choosing to retire abroad and take advantage of the low cost of living offered by certain countries. But as you can imagine, retiring abroad is no small feat – and finding the best countries to retire in can be even harder. So today  we’re going to look at the best countries to retire on a small pension or social security.

While we do our best to provide you with the most accurate information. These are after all just our take based on data we analyzed. You should make your own decisions based on your own experiences by visiting the places we talk about!

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