Your Guide to Colombia’s M-Pensionado Visa for 2023 – New Updates

With its low cost of living, beautiful scenery, and welcoming culture, Colombia has become an increasingly popular retirement destination. Foreign retirees who want to live long-term in Colombia will need to obtain the M-pensionado retirement visa.

Eligibility for the M-pensionado Visa

To qualify for the M-pensionado retirement visa, applicants must meet several requirements:

  • Be at least 55 years old
  • Have a monthly pension income of at least 3,480,000 Colombian pesos (about $773 USD as of 2023)
  • Have valid health insurance that covers you in Colombia
  • Submit a criminal background check
  • Provide proof of financial solvency

The minimum monthly income requirement is based on Colombia’s minimum wage, which is reviewed and updated yearly. So the exact income amount needed could change year to year.

In addition, Colombia passed Resolution 4577 in 2022, which allows applicants to qualify by proving savings and investments equal to 180 times the minimum wage, about $55,000 USD. This provides more flexibility for retirees.

Applying for the M-Pensionado Visa

You can start the M-pensionado application process at the Colombian embassy or consulate in your home country. Typical processing time is 3-6 months. Along with the visa application form, you’ll need to submit all required documents including:

  • Passport
  • Criminal background check (no more than 6 months old)
  • Proof of pension income or savings/investments
  • Proof of health insurance (must be in English or Spanish)
  • Bank statements proving financial solvency

Once approved, the M-pensionado visa allows you to live and work in Colombia indefinitely. Your spouse and dependent children can also gain residency status.

Key documents typically required for a Colombian retirement visa:

  • Passport – Must be valid for the duration of your intended stay in Colombia.
  • Visa Application Form – Completed online and printed.
  • Proof of Pension Income – Documents such as pension statements, tax statements, bank statements showing regular income deposits.
  • Bank Statements – Statements showing at least 6 months of account activity and your average balances.
  • Proof of Health Insurance – Copy of your active health insurance policy that provides coverage in Colombia.
  • Criminal Background Check – Issued by your home country’s relevant law enforcement agency. Should be no more than 6 months old.
  • Color Photographs – Two passport-style photos with specific sizing and background requirements.
  • Flight Itinerary – Copy of your round-trip ticket or onward travel plans.
  • Accommodation Details – Proof of where you intend to stay during your time in Colombia.
  • Application Fee – Receipt for payment of the visa application fee.
  • Passport Photos – Two passport-style photos meeting dimensional and background requirements.

All foreign documents should be translated into Spanish by a certified translator. Multiple copies of each document are required. The consulate website provides detailed instructions on current document requirements.

Proof of Pension Income

One of the key requirements for Colombia’s retirement visa is providing proof that you have a steady monthly income from a pension or other retirement funds.

There are a few ways you can demonstrate proof of pension income:

  • Pension Statements – An official statement from your pension provider showing your monthly or annual entitlement amounts. This could come from a former employer, the government, or a private pension company.
  • Bank Statements – If your pension is deposited into your bank account, highlighting these regular monthly deposits on your bank statements can serve as evidence. Statements covering the last 6-12 months are recommended.
  • Tax Documents – Pension income will also show up on tax returns and other tax documents. Submitting a tax return or docs that list pension income can help prove you meet the monthly minimum.
  • Investment Income – If you generate retirement income from investments rather than a conventional pension, submitting brokerage statements showing the regular income can qualify.

Your pension income must meet the current minimum amount, which is around $950 USD per month. Be sure to have clear, official documentation that proves you receive monthly pension payments meeting or exceeding the threshold.

Ideally, you should gather pension documents from multiple sources like your pension provider, bank, and tax records, to create a complete financial picture and satisfy the visa officers reviewing your application. Clear proof of adequate pension income is key to being approved for the Colombian retirement visa.

Obtain a Colombian cédula (national ID card) after you’ve been granted a retirement visa:

  • All foreign residents in Colombia must obtain a cédula within 15 days of arrival in the country. This serves as your official ID for all legal residency matters.
  • The process involves registering your visa with immigration control (Migración Colombia), then applying for the cédula at the Registraduría Nacional del Estado Civil.
  • Documents required include your passport, entry stamp, 10 fingerprint scans, digital photos, and copies of your visa and application.
  • You’ll be issued a resident alien ID card valid for 5 years. It must be carried at all times and presented any time authorities request identification.
  • The cédula allows you to open bank accounts, get cell phone plans, apply for citizenship later on, and conduct many other activities as a resident.
  • Report any changes in visa or personal details to immigration to have them reflected on your cédula.
  • Cost is approximately 95,000 Colombian pesos, around $25 USD. Bogotá, Medellín, Cali and Barranquilla have the main cédula processing centers.
  • Be sure to make copies and keep your cédula in a safe place in case of loss or theft. Replacement can be difficult.

Obtaining your Colombian cédula is a crucial step after securing your retirement visa. Be proactive about registering with immigration and applying for the ID card within your first 2 weeks in the country. This legal requirement makes your residency status official!

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